About Us
In 2010, after less than a year in existence, the Board of Directors of the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance were looking for ways to improve the community awareness of the group. Already they were building a presence in the community’s leadership by meeting with several of them on a regular basis and building solid relationships. In order to continue building these relationships with other community players, the Board felt it important to begin gathering the industry information for the Lafayette area and share this with those leaders.
In addition to building this community presence, the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance decided it was important to create a data-sharing seminar similar to other CIDs in Louisiana in order to make this valuable information available to those in the Acadiana area. In the past, statistics, such as occupancy rates, average rental rates, etc., may have been gathered by individuals for their own use, but no group has ever gathered this information for Lafayette parish and shared it with others like the RCA does each spring. In addition, commercial practitioners throughout the state have been requesting this type of information for our area.
In early 2011, the first Acadiana Commercial Outlook was held for a small group of local real estate agents, developers and appraisers. The seminar was held for this small group to test the interest of this type of seminar for the area. The first ACO was a huge success for those in attendance and so the program was opened up to all industry professionals on a statewide basis in 2012. The REALTORS® Commercial Alliance hopes the Acadiana Commercial Outlook will continue to give them recognition as the “leading advocate of the commercial real estate industry” in our region.